Health and Performance Coaching is for anyone seeking to improve health and wellness. You do not need to be an athlete to sign up for Health and Performance Coaching. This program aims to help you reduce and reverse risk of any lifestyle-related chronic illness.
Peak athletic performance starts with a foundation of optimal health and wellness. Therefore, all runners training for races with Creating Momentum Coaching are enrolled in Health and Performance Coaching as part of their race training program.
49.00 per coaching sessions when purchased and scheduled as needed.
Ideal for the initial assessment session if you are unsure if you would like to commit.
Ideal for those who would like to meet monthly for maintenance sessions.
176.40 (10% discount) for 4-session weekly coaching package.
Weekly sessions are ideal for new clients or new concerns.
Unused sessions are non-refundable.
Health & Performance Coaching is a lifestyle medicine, functional nutrition, sports nutrition, health & wellness, and peak performance coaching program.
Lifestyle Medicine Coaches partners with you to co-design self-directed, lasting changes that are aligned with your values to promote health and wellness.
Functional Nutrition: Assess how your lifestyle affects your food choices which impacts your overall health and well-being.
Functional Sports Nutritionuses a holistic approach to assess how your unique needs, values, and goals can determine how you can fuel your athletic activity to support peak performance.
All Health Coaching takes place in a secure Client Coaching Platform.
Register for free at anytime to learn how to use the app, to get notifications of new programs, and to requrest your initial assessment.
As a coach, I don't tell you what to do. I help you figure out what you can do and how to do it. Through the lens of behavior change science, Health & Performance Coaching is personalized to your needs, abilities, values, and goals. We identify your outcome goals. We co-create action plans that you can commit to with accountability, support, and guidance..
Examples of Health & Wellness Goals: Exercise, nutrition, improved sleep, proactive stress management, smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol management, healthy body composition, work-life balance, etc...
For those in treatment for a chronic lifestyle condition (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity) who struggle to adhere to a treatment plan, Health & Performance Coaching can provide you with the guidance and accountability you need to achieve your health and treatment goals.
Disclaimer: Health & PerformanceCoaching is a Wellness Program. It does NOT replace medical or mental health treatment but it can effectively support your treatment plan goals. This website and any service provided by Creating Momentum Coaching is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical advice, and it should not be used to make a diagnosis or to replace or overrule a qualified healthcare provider's judgment. Users should not rely on this website or coaching services for emergency medical treatment. The content provided on this website and through coaching sessions is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a qualified and licensed physician or other medical care provider, and follow their advice without delay regardless of anything read on this website.
All clients must be a least 18 years of age of older.
Schedule your Initial Assessment Session. Purchase a single full priced session or use the first session of a 4-session discounted package for your initial assessment.
Follow up coaching sessions either "As Needed" or choose a discounted package of four (4) sessions.
Start with weekly sessions until you achieve your goal. Bi-monthly session can be scheduled when you feel ready to meet less frequently to transition into maintenance coaching.
30-40 minute sessions take place through Zoom.
Forms and session notes are maintained and shared though a secure privacy-protected HealthieClient Portal.
Plan to co-design action plans and to work on tasks between sessions.
Communicate between sessions through the Healthie Portal Chat. Expect a 48-hour response time (Mon-Fri) .
Master of Science Degree in Kinesiology with a Dual Concentration in Sports Psychology and Sports Performance.
American College of Lifestyle Medicine and WellCoaches course to earn Lifestyle Medicine Coach Certification.
Certified Wellness & Health Coach
10 Credits. Coaching Clients Who Are Prescribed Weight Loss Medication.
Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Wellness & Health Coach Training
8 week training Course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.